Frequent Questions
Your Questions Answered

Why is Superbly different to my merit system?
Superbly is designed to be engaging, maintaining the user attention and promoting a feel good environment. Most merit systems lose value leading to both teachers and students losing interest quickly.
Positive emails or communications are drowned out by administrative messages and nofitications, many of which are not specific and relevant. With Superbly the title is designed to capture the parent’s attention, making it stand out. We have over 90% open rate because parents become used to looking for the emails in their inbox, they know it will ONLY be positive.
Superbly works on 3 key factors on engagement and motivation:
- Student recognition – students love to be recognised by their teachers and parents for the things they do well. Too often this recognition is short lived in the classroom only, with Superbly this recognition is instantly comunicated to the parent and student and stored in the student app for later review.
- Parent inclusion – Secondary school parents are always interested in hearing positive feedback about their kids and when they enter secondary school, this communication drops off pretty quickly. Teenagers aren’t renowned for over communication, so parents are desperate to hear feedback and it makes dinner table conversations enjoyable again. The impact of parental recognition adds to the classroom recognition combining to reinforce the motivation to repeat the behaviour.
- Teacher appreciation – Teachers feel great when they receive a reply email from the parent and student thanking them for the positive comment and also showing appreciation for the work they do.
These 3 key factors contribute to a continuous self perpetuation situation, making the use of Suberbly enjoyable and Doing Good Feels Good!
Do we have to change the name of our merit system?
No we understand that many schools have a strong tradition embedded in the merit system. We enhance this with a digitised and faster system which you can name accordingly.
Where is Superbly based?
Superbly is a 100% Australian owned & operated company based in Sydney, Australia. Both founders are teacher trained with an strong understanding of the classroom behavour dynamics.
Our team will support your school during the onboarding, training staff, improving software development stages and helping integration into your school system.
How does Superbly obtain school data?
Access to the Superbly platform is exclusively provided via HTTPS, ensuring data transmission over an encrypted connection. Unencrypted connections to the service are not permitted.
The school administrator can upload student, parent and staff data obtained (downloaded) from their School Management Systems. The only person that has access to the uploaded data is the administrator of the account.
Through Superbly’s cloud-hosting provider, Akamai (Linode), school data is encrypted both in transit and at rest.
Where is school data stored?
Access to the Superbly platform is exclusively provided via HTTPS, ensuring data transmission over an encrypted connection. Unencrypted connections to the service are not permitted.
Through Superbly’ cloud-hosting provider, Akamai (Linode), school data is encrypted both in transit and at rest.
Superbly personnel have limited access to user data through unique database separation. Development environments are separated into test (no access to user data) and production (only key personnel have access) to reduce access to sensitive user data. Administrative account access is audited to reduce unauthorised access and activity. Support may access less sensitive data in order to provide software support services to the school.
How does Superbly maintain the security and integrity of school data?
At no point will student data be used or disclosed by Superbly for advertising/marketing purposes. The data provided is used solely for the purposes of providing the Superbly service.
Superbly may collect log data (such as IP address, browser & device type) of users accessing the service, as part of administering the service.
Superbly will only ever disclose data at the direction of the school (and only if such disclosure complies with relevant privacy laws) or if required to do so by law.
What is the pricing model for Superbly?
Superbly is charged to a school on a licence and per-student, per-annum basis plus GST. This cost is inclusive of cloud hosting in addition to ongoing support, training and updates for the 12 month period.
The total number of students is determined at the time of signing up to Superbly and is reviewed on a rolling 12 month period from that time for subsequent renewals.
We understand that getting started with a new software can be daunting so we offer a free trial for schools to see the impact that communicating positive recognition can have on behaviour and school culture. Contact us for more information.
I’m not sure I have time for another administration task?
Superbly is designed to speed up the communication channels and make life easier for educators. The messaging platform is designed with time reduction in mind, messages are intuitively constructed and you can choose to send a message to an individualy, a full class or an entire year.
Superbly has a built in automated prompting system to help remind staff to send positive messages with a simple link that opens the messaging dashboard with out having to search for the app, making it easier and quicker to stay on top of your positive recognition.
Doing good feels good, especially when it is recognised. Imagine motivating your class to engage and behave within minutes
Within a couple of minutes an individual, whole class or year can be rewarded and multiple positive messages sent
Can Superbly integrate with our current School Management System?
Yes, we have designed Superbly to integrate with School Management Systems through API calls, we work with your IT team to quickly integrate systems with the SMS providers.
Can non teaching staff use Superbly?
Yes – all staff can – front office, support staff – this is a lovely feature of Superbly staff can recognise other staff for great work. Students can also send appreciation to non teaching staff in the app (thumbs up, positive messages). It really is designed to build a all inclusive positive school culture.
How does Superbly work for extra curricular
Extra curricular groups can be added allowing staff to allocate Superbly points for positive activity outside of the classroom, after school, sporting events or excursions.
Can we trial Superbly?
Yes we strongly suggest trialing Superbly on a select age group to see the impact first hand. Year 7 is a good point of reference they are used to positive engagement through the primary school system and parents will appreciate the restored feedback loop.
Our team can work with you on a school introduction plan.