Recognising Positive Activity increases wellbeing
Superbly is designed to impact the school culture positively and reduce the time it takes to recognise positive activity

Faster, more intuitive messaging system
Save time sending messages with a faster, more intuitive messaging system.
- NCreate personalised feedback messages using the intuitive Send message interface
- NAdd classes for quick access or select students from class listings, student lists and groups
- NQuickly access all positive comments for parent, teacher nights or reports
- NIntelligent messaging functionality auto updates for gender, student names and parent names - no extra clicks needed
- NSend messages to student app or tag parents via email to provide full details of the behaviour
- NOver 90% open rate when parents see a positive message title in their inbox
Build a positive and efficient classroom
Building a positive and efficient classroom is easy using feedback that is specific and timely.
- NPositive classrooms are harmonious, engaging and productive classrooms
- NStudents respond better to timely positive feedback and are more likely to repeat it
- NStudents repeat positive behaviour when they know what they did well
- NParents are more involved when they receive positive feedback about their children
- NIdentify students that haven't received positive feedback quicker
- NParents have a quick way to thank the classroom teachers for their work

Boost teacher and student wellbeing
Doing Good Feels Good! Sending and receiving positive feedback boosts student and teacher wellbeing.
- NEverybody loves to receive positive feedback and appreciation, it boosts wellbeing
- NStudents and parents can send positive messages of appreciation to teachers
- NPositive feedback fuels motivation for both the student and the teacher
- NTeachers and school staff can send positive messages of appreciation to each other
- NCentralised repository of all positive messages makes praising students easier in interviews
Send Teacher to Teacher Praise
Teachers deserve praise for the hard work they do and there is nothing more powerful than praise from peers
- NReceiving praise for doing a good job lifts wellbeing
- NTeachers quickly understand the value sending praise provides students when they receive praise
- NRecieving praise for doing something well motivates teachers to repeat the behaviour
- NSend positive messages to multiple staff in one go, while customising each message

Doing Good Feels Good
Start building a positive school culture now, its quick and easy